Jyotish Parveena

in on May 20, 2020

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Course Fee₹15,000
Membership Fee₹1000
Examination Fee             ₹1000

This is a one year Basic Course of Astrology. This course beacons the complicated topics and other streams of astrology. Topics and papers studied are like GENERAL ASTROLOGY, ASTRONOMY RELEVANT TO ASTROLOGY, MATHEMATICAL ASTROLOGY, PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY, DELINEATION & DYNAMIC CONFIGURATION, DASA AND BASIC TRANSIT, VARSHAPHAL/ TAJIK (PROGRESSED HOROSCOPE), MUHURTHA etc.

Focus is also on strengthening the practical aspect of astrology.

Mundane astrology gives a wider horizon as this talks about the world than the individual. This course consists of two semesters of three papers each. After this, one commands Astrology fully.

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